About the project: A community-driven project to mobilize different community groups in Jurd Al-Qayteh and Dreib Al-Awsat unions aimed at developing upcycling and recycling solutions to reduce the waste in their unions, in an innovate and creative manner. The project was announced offline through the network of RESLOG, municipalities and volunteers, and online through social...


With a lack of accurate data in most municipalities, SALAR International launched a data collection app at the union of municipalities of Dreib Al-Awsat and Jurd Al-Qayteh. Volunteers were trained to use the the data collection app that was built by the Geographic Information System (GIS) at Balamand University and deployed under their technical management. Training...


The RESLOG Committee Group (R.C.G.) established by SALAR International is an initiative aimed at uniting different sectors of society, including refugees. The purpose of the R.C.G. is manifold: it aims at strengthening the relationship between local authorities and communities through building capacities, raising awareness about municipal context, good governance and active citizenship. Moreover, it helps...


With the wild fires threatening the forests in Akkar, especially in Jurd Al-Qayteh being a mountainous area, and with only one civil defense office and very limited number of volunteers, SALAR International responded to Jurd Al-Qayteh community and union of municipalities needs by initiating a project aimed at establishing a network of volunteers. This network...


To secure indirect financial support for Dreib Al-Awsat union of municipalities, SALAR International invested in a community-based service project. As road safety issues and the number of accidents were increasing, SALAR International responded to the union of municipalities prioritized need and initiated a project of roads enhancement, establishing a network of volunteers dedicated to supporting...


SALAR International, in collaboration with Rene Moawad Foundation (R.M.F.), initiated a customized capacity building plan for Jurd Al-Qayteh and Dreib Al-Awsat union of municipalities and selected the implemention partners. The institutional capacity building included different topics: municipal legal framework, financial management in municipalities, municipal administration, bylaws, and internal codes for municipalities and the union of municipalities. It also...


SALAR  International, in collaboration with G8T Solutions S.A.R.L., initiated a municipal system for both Jurd Al-Qayteh and Dreib Al-Awsat union of municipalities. The system aims at supporting digitization and web development, while improving transparency and visibility for the union of municipalities. About the Municipal System The municipal system targets the collection and organization of municipal...

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SALAR International organized a field visit in cooperation with Menjez municipality in Akkar for the union of Jurd Al-Qayteh and Dreib Al-Awsat. The visit also involved their respective municipalities and Khotwa CSO. With his strong leadership skills and development mindset, the mayor of Menjez Mr. George Youssef explained and showcased several implemented projects. Menjez municipality...


TEPAV tarafından düzenlenen 4. Uluslararası Kent Araştırmaları Kongresi bu yıl 16-18 Ekim tarihleri arasında ekonomi ve kentleşme teması kapsamında pek çok konuşmacıya ve oturuma yer veriyor. Ankara Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanı Mansur Yavaş, ATO Başkanı Gürsel Baran ve Kent Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Başkanı Emir Osmanoğlu’nun açılış konuşmalarını yaptığı kongrede RESLOG Türkiye ekibi de katılımcılar arasında yer aldı....


In partnership with Democracy Reporting International (D.R.I.), SALAR International contributed to the publication of the PPR briefing paper. The publication aimed at paving the way to drafting a new law, implementation decrees, and standard bidding documents that, if properly executed, will offer Lebanese local authorities the potential to optimise their funds, improve the lives of...

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RESLOG DÜNYADATürkiye, Lübnan, İsveç
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RESLOG by AnahtarCreative. Tüm Hakları Saklıdır.